Entersekt Mobile Transaction Security
Secure Transactions through your customer’s mobile device
Mobile Transaction Security
IST and Entersekt’s mobile security and authentication solutions eliminate phishing, man-in-the-middle/browser, keystroke logging, call forwarding, SIM-swap, and number porting attacks. Noted for their ease of use, they enable people to confirm their sensitive digital transactions in real time, responding directly to authentication requests pushed to their mobile devices. All it takes is one tap.
Install secure mobile security to your digital channels today
Transakt is Entersekt’s flagship product and is available as an SDK or a stand-alone security app downloadable from all major app stores. Financial services companies worldwide use it to secure online banking, mobile banking, mobile money transfer, e-commerce, call center interactions, in-branch interactions, and more.
Using digital certificates and proprietary validation techniques, Transakt converts the mobile phone into a trusted second factor of authentication and introduces an isolated communication channel between the device and financial institution that avoids reliance on the open Internet for user and transaction verification. This second-factor, out-of-band channel is encrypted from end to end. No third party, including Entersekt, can access these communications.
The authentication process is largely seamless to the banking customer. It avoids one-time passwords or challenge questions, requiring just one tap on a pop-up authentication request. Little to no user education is required.