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“Companies that offer best-in-class customer experiences grow faster and more profitably. To reach this level, insurers must relentlessly improve customer journeys across channels and business functions.”

McKinsey insurance customer experience study


PureCloud for Insurance industry

Searching online for an insurance plan could be hard or tricky as there are many different policies out there and rightfully so, in order to match the needs of various people. More than often when searching for a policy you would look at different policies within one company then compare to another company and/or read reviews, but as you search you will be faced with a lot of questions that you would need help with. PureCloud can connect you to the best agent to answer all your questions.


Let’s put ourselves in our customers’ shoes:

Adam a prospective customer, is looking for the best local insurance companies, that provide the most convenient network, service and policy needs. Checks Facebook to see how happy are the fans, then goes to the website of the company, a chat box pops up. Adam first starts to ask about the terms of the medical insurance policy, then follows by basic questions such as where is their location, their office hours, etc. At the end of the chat session the agent emails Adam a copy of the chat transcript along with file attachment with regards to the policy that would best fit Adam’s needs.

PureCloud’s Omni-Channel routing can help customers connect with the best Agent, from any channel. This also shows how agile an agent can be, by replying fast to customers on social channels to sending them an email (All-In-One Desktop application) – This is like taking the hands of a customer and showing him around your company; boosting sales and creating a strong brand image.

Omar an existing customer had a medical emergency, wanted to know the nearest hospital that he has coverage with, he calls in the contact center of his insurer, the agent recommends a hospital and then asks Adam if he’d like to send him an SMS with the details and location so that he can have it one his phone incase he mistyped. Omar says yes, feeling great that he didn’t have to take out a pen and paper and write down the address, where he could have made a mistake in it.

In both scenarios, regardless of new or current customers, we saw that you can create happy customers who in turn can become loyal ones, from an efficient and effective customer service. The key in both scenarios, was agents having the information on hand, the customer able to contact with the insurer on whichever channel that is convenient, and ability to send follow up whether via email or SMS to ensure the interaction is completed with satisfaction.

Why PureCloud?

PureCloud the All-In-One cloud contact center, enables empowered agents by providing CRM integration, it helps drive customer satisfaction up as you would be provided a connected customer experience. Meaning regardless which channel the customer contacts you, they would receive the same service, best part customer interaction history regardless of the channel communicated with, would be there.

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